[Concept #7] Battle Abilities

Hi everyone,

Today I present to you a full-fledged devlog regarding the skills and abilities of the battle system.

If you want to learn more about what you can do and how it is all structured, feel free to read on.

As always, please be aware of some stuff and details not being finalized yet. Thank you.

Note: This devlog might be (partly) outdated.


Topic I - Character Skills

This is the full* list of abilities your character will possess during gameplay. There are several things to be noted here:

[1 - Types] : Abilities are split into Elemental, Special and Aura. Respectively, the costs for each are MP (M), SP (S) and AP (A).

[2 - Ranks] : Abilities can be upgraded to increase their Rank. Doing so will have various benefits depending on the type and specific ability.

*[3 - Commands] : There are more skills activated by the Battle Command List. They will be shown further below.


Topic I [Part 2] - Elemental Skills

Elemental Skills are

- Magic Based : They will scale their damage output with your MAT, the enemies MDF, as well as potential element and magical resistance.

- Single Target : They will, by default, attack one of the Opponents you can target.

- Slow Speed : Casting them will decrease your AGI for the next round.

- Focus Specific : They are split into 'Impact', 'Ailment' and 'Debuff' and have a higher effect value respectively.

- Unleash Castable : They have a certain chance to become multi-target attacks the moment you cast them.

- SP Gainable : Landing a successful hit will grant you back some Stamina Points.

Let us take a look at how upgrading them will change their values:

- Rank Name : Elemental Skills go from Rank I up to Rank X if you acquire either a Main Element or Sub Element upgrade.

- MP Cost : The higher the Rank, the more MP you have to pay.

- SP Gain : You gain more Stamina Points back with each Rank.

- Output Value : The damage, ailment and debuff chance increases with each Rank.

Note that the Focus Increase will stay the same along all Ranks. For example, Impact will always grant +40% respectively.

When reaching Rank V (end of the Normal Run), the values will look like above. Additionally, Ailments and Debuffs will last one more turn.

When reaching Rank X (end of Plus Run), the values will max out like above. Additionally, Ailments and Debuffs gain another turn.


Topic I [Part 3] - Special Skills

Special Skills are

-  Stamina Based : They will consume your Stamina Points (SP).

- Self Targeted : Upon using them, they will automatically target you and apply their effect upon successful hit.*

- Medium Speed : Casting them will not affect your AGI for the next round.

- Effect Specific : Each skill has a different power for you to use in a combat situation respectively.

- Instant Castable : They will not consume your action, meaning you can use another skill afterwards.

- MP Gainable : Landing a successful hit will grant you back some Mana Points.

* There is an exception to the target scope. More on that further below.

Let us take a look at how upgrading them will change their values:

- Rank Name : Special Skills go from Rank I up to Rank X if you acquire a Special upgrade.

- SP Cost : Special Skills will not consume more Stamina Points when being upgraded.

- MP Gain : You gain more Mana Points back with each Rank.

- Output Value : The effects may increase or extend depending on the Rank.

Note that each upgrade to the Rank of these skills will enhance or expand them in some way, even if not all Ranks will be shown here.

When reaching Rank V (end of the Normal Run), the values will look like above. Additionally, 'Negate' and 'Burst' have gained more effects.

When reaching Rank X (end of Plus Run), the values will max out like above. Additionally, 'Negate' and 'Burst' have (re)-gained effects.


Topic I [Part 4] - Aura Skills

Aura Skills are

-  Aura Based : They will consume your Aura Points (AP).

- Self Targeted : Upon using them, they will automatically target you and apply their effect upon successful hit.*

- Fast Speed : Casting them will increase your AGI for the next round.

- Effect Specific : Each skill has a different power for you to use in a combat situation respectively.

- Boost Castable : Spending more Aura Points will increase the effect of these skills.

- MP/SP Gainable : Landing a successful hit will grant you back some Mana and Stamina Points.

* The 'Escape' and 'Skip' skills will actually target an opponent as form of confirmation, so you can cancel these skills accordingly.

Let us take a look at how upgrading them will change their values:

- Rank Name : Aura Skills go from Rank I up to Rank V if you acquire an Aura upgrade.

- AP Cost : 'Recover' and 'Escape' will keep their initial Cost, but can use an additional Aura Point. 'Replenish' and 'Skip' will need 2 Points.

- MP/SP Gain : You gain more Mana and Stamina Points back with each Rank.

- Output Value : The effects can be further boosted with Aura Points, as well as Rank V increasing the initial effect to that of Rank II.

Note that based on the cost mechanic, 'Recover' and 'Escape' can be used in varying effect, while 'Replenish' and 'Skip' use the maximum.

When reaching Rank IV (end of the Run), the values will look like above. The maximum amount of Aura Points (4) can be used.

You can also unlock Rank V at the same point during the playthrough.* Values will max out like above, 'Escape' and 'Skip' extend their effects.

* At this point I have actually not fully decided how you will get Rank V, so this detail might change.


Topic I [Part 5] - Additional Skills

Assault is your Default Attack Command. It has Medium Speed and will gain you half of the Mana and Stamina Points you would receive from Elemental and Special Skills respectively. By increasing the Rank of this skill, you will increase the damage output and MP/SP gain accordingly.

Attacking with the Assault Skill will also enable the C-Factor - meaning it will take into account your Crit Chance, as well as the Critical Evasion Chance of your Opponent.

Defend is your Default Defence Command. It has Medium Speed and will gain you half of the Mana and Stamina Points you would receive from Elemental and Special Skills respectively. By increasing the Rank of this skill, you will increase the damage block and MP/SP gain accordingly.

Using the Defend Skill will also enable the C-Block - meaning it will eliminate the chance of receiving a critical hit from your opponents.

Stances are divided into Offensive, Defensive and Evasive. They work in a triangle in the form of 'Off > Def > Eva > Off >...' .

By switching your Stance in battle according to what your opponent is using, you will inflict more damage upon using the Assault Command. You will also be less vulnerable against the weaker Stance. The effect of the latter increases with each Rank.

Of course, by switching to a Stance weak against the one your opponent is using, you will receive the same disadvantages as them.

As Stances are part of the Special Skills, you will also gain MP and cast them instantly, as well. They will also use Stamina Points.

Note however, that Stance are not only Self targeted - they will always target both you and your Partner.


Topic II - Partner Skills

Your Pet (or Partner) pulls skills from the same system as you, but has their options reduced based on them being on autopilot.

Elemental Skills will be available in the form of Buffs specifically for your Partner. They cannot attack using magic abilities, however.

Special Skills will come in the same way as for you, but the Stances are removed. Your Partner will always switch together with you.

Aura Skills come in the same way, as well. Based on the nature of 'Escape' and 'Skip', those have been removed, however.

Additionally, your Partner is able to use the Assault and Defend Commands like you do.

Let us take a quick look at how Buff Skills work:

Magic Skills from the Main Element will increase a specified Main Attribute, as well as the overall Physical Resistance.

Upgrading the Rank of these skills will increase the buff effect and resistance, as well as adding a turn on Rank V and X respectively.

Magic Skills from the Sub Element will increase a specified Main Attribute, as well as the overall Magical Resistance.

As each two of the four elements share the same attribute however, these skills also increase a Secondary Attribute each.

Upgrading the Rank of these skills will increase the buff effects and resistance, as well as adding a turn on Rank V and X respectively.


Topic III - Opponent Skills

Opponents use the same repertoire of Special and Aura Skills as your Partner, however replace their Elemental Skills with State Skills.

While still Magic Skills using MP, they have their own resistances and ailments, in addition to varying debuffs.

Additionally, opponents are also capable of using the Assault and Defend Commands just like you.

Let us take a quick look at how these skills perform, as well:

As you can see, the Rank upgrading works the same as it does for Elemental Skills. State Skills are also still divided into Impact, Ailment and Debuff respectively, although the list above only shows the former.

Note that these skills do not have a Buff alternative, as your Partner is the only one capable of using them for the Elemental Skills.


Topic IV - Consume Feature

While these are the skills left for me to create, I already have laid out how they are supposed to work and want to share that with you:

[1 - Burst Rank] : When reaching Rank V and X of the Burst Skill (meaning at the end of each Run), the ability will be enabled by 'bursting'.

[2 - Duration] : As long as your 'Burst Buff' is active, you will be able to choose 'Consume' from the command list as shown above.

[3 - Usage] : Choosing 'Consume' will remove your Burst State and its benefits and perform a Special Attack by your character.

[4 - Tactic] : That also means that you can use 'Burst' as long as it lasts and activate 'Consume' in the final turn.

[5 - Others] : Your Partner can choose 'Consume' in the same way. 'Special Boss' opponents will have a Special Attack, as well.

Special Attacks by any other than your Partner will be a direct hit at one target, dealing damage and adding additional effect(s).*

* Although that detail may still change.


Topic V - Additional Features

There is one additional skill, as well as two auto-abilities that will come into play:

[1 - Rebirth] : This is the Special Attack of your Partner. As the name implies, it is used to revive your Character.

[2 - Guts] : A special ability of your character to avoid 'Knockout' as long as they are over 1 HP when getting damaged.

[3 - Auto-Life] : A special ability of your Partner to come back to life when getting 'Knockout'.

The details for these are not set, however.


End of Concept Log

While there is still more to write about, especially about parts of the battle system, this wraps up the devlog for today.

There are a few details left for me to figure out, as well as polishing the database in regards of all these skills. (Among other stuff)

That being said, I still plan to finally release a new devlog (version 0.6.0) in July, presenting stuff from the last logs, as well as (hopefully) even more additions.

Like always, thank you for reading and have a nice week, everyone.


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