[Update #14] Version B.0.6.0

This is the next of the usual devlogs to keep you informed about my progress.

The project Late Shape Journey is now in version B.0.6.0.

A download is not available for this game yet.

== Database ==

Added all Animations (665 Entries)

Added all States (305 Entries)

Added all Skills (2545 Entries)

== Mechanics ==

Controller Mapping now supports 'Ctrl' (Map, Logs, Extra Functions)

Twitter Prompt on Title is now triggered with 'Ctrl' instead of 'Mouse'

Adjusted Application Window Size from '816x624 (4:3)' to '1152x648 (16:9)'

Adjusted Map Size for Sanctum Areas from '60x37' to '128x72' tiles

Conversation Menu now uses 'Picture Text' plugin command instead of individual files for dialogue

Conversation Menu now supports 'Beard Mode'

Upgraded RPG Maker MZ Corescripts to v1.7.0 and VisuStella Plugin Library to #127

== Interface ==

'Configuration - Control' now additionally displays mapping for Xbox/Playstation Controller

Skill Menu has been expanded to list all Battle, Field, Ailment, Debuff, Attribute and Effect Entries; Added 'Category' Legend

Credits Menu has been expanded to list all Contributors, Asset Lists and additional Information (40 Pages)

Credits Menu now has a 'Navigation' to better keep track and switch between categories

Credits Menu now has a 'Link Select' feature to list and follow a page's links in the browser

Conversation Menu now has a 'Marker' feature to highlight parts of dialogue for quicker reading

Added 'Retro Frames' to display in the new window size around the 4:3 gameplay window (20+ Files)

Added 5 more Profile Names (+ Variation) and 14 more Profile Pictures (+ Variation) to Profile Menu

Added Category Colouring to Shop Menu Items to better distinguish them

Added Version Type and Number to Application Title Bar

'Config - System' now shows the initial downloaded Application Version to distinguish from added Patches

Terms of Use have been updated to include 'Swappable Contents' feature

== Assets ==

Added Tilesets for Chapter 6 and 7 Sanctums; Added Tileset for 'Debug' Area

Added 3 new Characters for 'System', 'Arcade' and 'Tutorial'

Added 6 new BGMs for 'Arcade' and 'System'; 3 new MEs for Sanctum Gameplay and Encounter

Added 2 RTP Characters (Miscellaneous); 14 Tileset Characters (based on new Tilesets)

Added 2 Plugins 'LifeStateEffects' and 'Debugger'; Removed 2 Plugins 'Divider Lines' and 'GabWindow'

Added Retro Frames x12 +Variations; Retro Frames (Battleback) x10 +Variations

Adjusted all Faces and Busts to support 'Beard Mode' (Characters and Partners (Pets))

Removed 124 Animations Files (as part of filtering and implementing Animations in the Database)

== Other ==

Planned out 'Extra Content' for Application Folder ('LateShaped', 'Penciled', 'Xbox', 'Playstation')

Adjusted Game Logo

== itch.io Page ==

Partially adjusted Text; Partially updated Main Pictures; Updated Changelog (and added 'Spoiler Tag')


[Progress Showcase] (Outdated)

Note: Not everything below corresponds to the same category above, as I had to find a way to highlight various stuff accordingly.

== Database ==

The most impressive picture to express cool new skills and animations, I know. But showing all that in any amount would definitively overdo it, I believe.

Suffice to say that I finally sat down to work on the database and actually added all Animations, States and Skills for the entire project - at least in a basic setup. There is still polishing and effect connection ahead of me, which will again take a good amount of time, but still. A lot has been added, at least.

While I have presented the Skills and how they work in the last Concept Log (Linked right here), I now have also added 'Handbook Skills' to the database. About 500 entries will explain you your 'Battle Skills' (with different data than in the battle window), 'Field Skills' (Puzzle Abilities during a Sanctum and General Passives), as well as the Ailments, Debuffs, Stats and Gear Types in the game.

You will be able to list and read through all of them in the Skill Menu I have re-extended since last time in 0.5.0:

Seeing how I did not like the shortened layout back then, I am happy to see how it turned out now. There is also a legend, so you can easily see which category has which information.

Some information will also change depending on the circumstances, such as the character you are playing, if you are viewing them or their partner, or the elements you have equipped. The Sanctum you currently are in will also reflect the Field Abilities you possess.

Finally, one (yes!) picture with an animation displayed, in order to wrap this part up:


== Mechanics ==

I guess the biggest change for this part is the new window size and addition of 'Retro Frames' like you can see above.

From the very beginning, I felt that going with the default window size of the engine would suit my project best - and I still think that.

That being said, I can understand how big black borders on each side can feel outdated or boring. So I took the in-between and increased the size to 16:9, while also adding those frames around the old 4:3 gameplay window.

These frames will change depending on which chapter you are at, if you are in the Chapter Selection or Config Menu, playing a Side Story, or playing the... Board Game (yeah). There are (slight) variances during Boss Encounters, too.

I also have to add the classic rant of 'Never do something like this deep in development!' - as I had to change pretty much every layout I made so far to reflect the new coordinates. At least it did not take me too long.

On a final note, I also adjusted the Controller Mapping and even (New new new) the layout in the Config Menu. But you have read the old devlog and know what I mean... right?


== Interface ==

Also a while back, I wrote about expanding the Credits Menu to list all necessary information.

I did that, and also added a bunch more. Like, a bunch. From pages for Testers and Contest Winners, over additional Game Features and Info, to re-adjusting the Contribution and Asset pages multiple times. I am finally done with it. (Except the last missing tilesets - and the obvious part of me not adding Testers and Winners before that happened).

As if that would not be enough for our small Credits Menu - no, I even added a Navigation you can switch through the 3 big categories with by pressing 'Shift'.

And even more: A 'Link Select' function that will light up if there are web-links on a page. You can then press 'Ctrl' to open a window and follow the respective links.

So... was it worth it?

Sure - I had fun. Anyways, let us continue with the Conversation Menu I have added back with 0.5.5:

Leaving it in a bit of a mess (especially after destroying the layout with the new window size), I finally fixed it up and changed the internal event logic to not only function with plugin commands (instead of a million picture files), but also added support for the most important thing: Beard Mode. Yes. (If you do not know what I am talking about, do not worry.)

Additionally, I have added a function I wanted to see in there for a while: Being able to highlight parts of the dialogue to make it easier to 'fly over' the important parts in case you do not like to read that much.

As you can see, I still have to find a good flow of how to make the best of it, but it is at least implemented now.

Next, we go back to even more old stuff:

One of the first interfaces I made: The Shop Menu.

While it was intended to be simple (meaning I would not know how to do it better even nowadays), I always felt it to be a bit... boring and mechanical. To change that up at least a tiny bit, I have added colours to the categories to better distinguish between them. That is something, right?

Now to something more intriguing:

I have added even more Profile Names and Pictures. Everyone loves those...!

Next to adding the additional 3 Characters into the system, I now have also added the 9 Partners (Pets), as well as 2 Symbols to round it up at a total of 48 pictures + 1 variation each.

The names top of at 28 + 1 variation each - so there is probably more fun to be had with the pictures.

... The names are deep, however. And have deep meanings. Or something like that.


== Assets ==

Which brings us to the obligatory topic of me now being done with assets for every single devlog so far.

Next to adding additional tilesets for dungeons as planned, I also finally capped of my last budget to buy a personal wish of mine: A tileset for the debug map you will never see outside some pictures. Perfect.

I have also added 3 characters as mentioned from the assets I already had. These are 'Meta' characters you will meet while outside chapters.

Also: 5 BGMs for... the Board Game. And 3 new MEs, as well as some default characters.

I have also re-adjusted my list of plugins one final (really) time and added the support for some battle abilities (namely 'Guts' and 'Auto-Life' from the Concept Log), as well as an enhanced Debugging system (the very, very final budget).

And finally, I have also adjusted every character and pet to support - you guessed it - Beard Mode during dialogue and some interfaces.


== Other ==

I have also worked on some minor things (like seen in the changelog), for example adjusting how the version is displayed. I decided to indeed add it to the title bar as it simply makes more sense. I instead have changed the version in the Config Menu to be the one from your last download.

The reason for this is: If I upload a patch to a download (which I will so that you do not have to download the entire game every time), it will not reflect it in this menu anyway. (For technical reasons)

So... yeah, this will indeed show the version you had at the beginning (for example Base 1.0.0 or Patch 1.5.1), so you can compare this to the version stated in the Title Bar of the Application.

Not sure if this interests too many, but I wanted to write about some internal things at least a little bit.

Anyway - done!

(Edit: Whoops. Not entirely. If someone wants to know more about the 'Swappable Contents' thing: I wrote a bit about it in this Special Log: Click!)

Feel free to follow my project here on itch.io or via my x-profile.

The next update will be showcased on here as soon as it is ready.

Like always, thank you for reading and have a nice week, everyone.


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